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transport speed中文是什么意思

用"transport speed"造句"transport speed"怎么读"transport speed" in a sentence


  • 行驶速度
  • 运输条件
  • "transport"中文翻译    vt. 1.运输,运送,输送。 2.【历史】处流刑,流放 ...
  • "speed"中文翻译    n. 1.快,迅速。 2.速率,速度。 3.(汽车的)变 ...
  • "high -speed transport" 中文翻译 :    快速运输船
  • "high speed civil transport" 中文翻译 :    高速民用运输机
  • "high-speed freight transport" 中文翻译 :    高速货物运输
  • "high-speed passenger transport" 中文翻译 :    高速旅客运输
  • "high-speed transport" 中文翻译 :    高速运输船
  • "low speed tape transport" 中文翻译 :    低速磁带机
  • "medium-speed tape transport" 中文翻译 :    中速磁带机
  • "one speed neutron transport equation" 中文翻译 :    单速中子输运方程
  • "transport" 中文翻译 :    vt. 1.运输,运送,输送。 2.【历史】处流刑,流放。 3.杀死。 4.〔常用被动语态〕使心情极度激动,使欣喜若狂,使心旷神怡。 transport wheat from the farms to the mills 把小麦从农场运至面粉厂。 be transported with joy [grief, rage] 快乐[悲哀、愤怒]得了不得。 n. 1.运输,运送;转运;运输机关;运输船;运输机。 2.心旷神怡,欣喜若狂。 3.流放犯。 transport ship 运输船。 He was in transports. 他高兴极了。 in a transport of (rage) 一怒之下。 T- Command 〔英空军〕运输部。
  • "at a speed of" 中文翻译 :    以…的速度
  • "at speed" 中文翻译 :    飞快地
  • "at the speed of" 中文翻译 :    以的速度; 以……速度
  • "at…speed" 中文翻译 :    以……的速度
  • "of speed" 中文翻译 :    速度的
  • "s speed" 中文翻译 :    速度
  • "speed" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.快,迅速。 2.速率,速度。 3.(汽车的)变速器,排挡。 4.(胶片,照相纸)感光速度。 5.〔古语〕兴隆,成功。 6.〔美国〕甲基苯异丙胺(类毒品)。 7. 〔美口〕(大音量和强节奏的)“重金属”(电子)摇滚乐 (=speed-metal)。 More haste, less [worse] speed. 越急越慢,欲速反迟。 The ship has a speed of 30 knots. 这条船时速30海里。 Let's accelerate the speed of our community construction. 让我们加快我们社区建设的速度。 a top speed 最大速度。 a speed of escape [escape speed] 【火箭】第二宇宙速度,逃逸速度〔克服地球引力的速度〕。 a horse of speed 快马。 (at) full speed=at the top of one's speed 用全速,开足马力。 make speed 赶快,赶紧,加快。 put on full speed 用全速,开足马力。 with speed 迅速,赶快。 wish (sb.) good speed=wish good speed (to sb.) 祝…成功。 with all speed 用全速,开足马力。 vt. (sped , speeded) (常用 speeded) 1.催,使赶快,促进,快速送传。 2.〔古语〕使成功,使成就,使兴隆。 3.祝愿成功,祝一路平安。 4.调节速度,使保持一定速度。 Speed our boat forward. It's getting dark. 使我们的小船快速前进,天黑起来了。 It's time we speed the parting guests. 现在是我们去向离别的客人们祝福一路平安的时候了。 vi. 1.迅速前进,快行 (along down up across)。 2.进行;过日子。 3.〔美国〕(汽车司机)用规定以上的速度驾驶。 4.〔古语〕成功,兴隆。 The car sped directly to the village. 汽车一直地疾驶进入村子里。 I should like to know how you speed. 我很想知道您的好情况。 God speed you! 祝成功! speed ill 不顺利。 speed up 加快(机器等的)速度;使加紧做 (sth.) (speed up the work 加紧工作)。 speed well 顺利。
  • "speed by" 中文翻译 :    飞驰而过; 迅速驶过
  • "the speed of" 中文翻译 :    以的速度
  • "with speed" 中文翻译 :    迅速, 赶快
  • "occean transport , marine transport" 中文翻译 :    海洋运输
  • "ocean transport, marine transport" 中文翻译 :    海洋运输
  • "active transport" 中文翻译 :    活性迁移; 活性运输; 活性运转; 织运输; 主动传送; 主动输送; 主动运输,主动转运; 自动转运
  • "acv transport" 中文翻译 :    气垫运输工具


  • But in fact , not all the demodulator can easily be designed and achieved , especially when the data transporting speed is quite low
  • Its capacitance decreases under large discharge current , because anthracite - based hsaac has too many micropores and low transport speed of solvated ions in electrolytes
  • With the development of transportation industry , traffic accident is on the increase . since most accidents are caused by overspeed , it is important to monitor the vehicles ’ transport speed for the drivers ’ securities
  • This microcontroller systems embedded tcp / ip protocol is proposed in the paper has many advantages , such as lower cost , fewer component , smaller area of hardware , higher transport speed , and easier to use
    本文设计的这种嵌入tcp ip协议的单片机系统板,具有成本低、硬件少、占用面积小、传输速度快、使用方便等优点。
  • The main purpose of data compression is to represent the origin information sent by the information resource with minimum data , thus to decrease the storage space of the information , and to increase the transport speed of it
  • Because classical information is indispensable to quantum teleportation and the transport speed of classical information does not exceed velocity of light , quantum teleportation does not violate quantum no - cloning theorem and principle of relativity
  • Based on the dc diffusion model , we build a duplex diffusion layer model which is composed of inner pulse diffusion layer and outer stable diffusion layer . in inner pulse diffusion layer , the concentration of ions fluctuates with frequency of pulse current ; in outer stable diffusion layer , the transport speed of ions is almost stable all the time , the main purpose is to transport the ions from the mass to the pulse diffusion layer
  • As atm supports many services such as voice , data , image and so on , accommodating many transporting speed , meanwhile pon can support economic and flexible access mode , so the technology combining pon with atm makes an attractive broadband access mode . pon system has a rapid development in 90 ' s . now people put more sight into apon
    由于atm对语音、数据和图像等多种业务的支持,并能适应多种传输速率的要求,而pon技术能够提供经济、灵活的接入方式,因此将atm与pon技术相结合可构成一种颇具吸引力的atm - pon (简称为apon )的宽带接入网方式。
  • The advantages of this software are direct image , reciprocity , friendly interface and wide adaptation . we mainly solved some technical problems such as self - adjustment of resolution , the realization of learning progress recording , the methods of controlling voice , the non - synchronous transport speed of animation and the acquirement of navigation
用"transport speed"造句  


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